Pre-orders are closed!
You can still purchase a regatta shirt by visiting the Gear Tent on race day.
Select sizes and colors will be available.
We suggest checking out the selection earlier rather than later on race day.
RCRC Junior Team Summer Camps
For all 2018-2019 RCRC Jr Team Members
Wondering what to do this summer, now that the 2018-2019 Jr Team Season is over?
Sign up for Jr Team Summer Camps to stay in shape, get focused small boat & strength training, join the first annual Sol-de-Sac Sprints, and make sure you start the 2019-2020 season healthy, fit & motivated - plus bond with the whole RCRC Junior Team as we train as a single group.
Three camps are set up, each with a different focus.
Dates, cost, and details are listed on the program registration pages.
Please carefully read the dates & practice schedule for each camp.
Camp 1 - Strength & Sculling, May 28-June 27
Camp 2 - Summer Racing Team, July 8-Aug 4
Camp 3 - Pre-Season Training, Aug 5-22
Learn More - Open House
Learn more about the program at the ROWsist Open House.
Date: Sunday April 16, 2023
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Opening remarks by Olympic rowing gold medal winner and founder of We Can Row Boston Holly Metcalf
Tour of the RCRC boathouse
Opportunity to get in a shell (rowing boat) and on an indoor rowing machine
Event is free but please RSVP below so we can plan for you
Jump start your 2025 with Coach Arthur!
Let us teach you about rowing this year! ROWsolution is an indoor rowing class for adults, teaching the fundamentals of the rowing stroke and sport in an engaging, challenging, and positive team environment. You'll be on the erg (indoor rowing machine) three days each week, developing proper rowing techniques, and getting into great shape while making new friends along the way.
Learn to Row Classes - Registration Now Open for Summer 2022
Learn to Row classes for middle school, high school, and adult athletes teach the basics of rowing: technique, teamwork, and commitment. Three programs are offered.
Middle School Rowing (MSR)
Grades 5 through 7
Start with a Beginning MSR class:
Classes run May - August
3 week class: 3 practices/week
After one Beginning class most new rowers are ready to move to Middle School Rowing Team Sessions
Keep rowing beyond the summer! MSR Team Sessions run March through November
Junior Learn to Row (Jr LTR)
Grades 8 through 12
Start with a Junior Learn to Row Class:
​Classes run June - August
1 week class: 5 practices
After one Jr LTR class, rowers are ready to sign up for Jr LTR Team Sessions. One session will be held in July and one in August
Keep rowing beyond the summer! Join the competitive Junior Team in early Sept 2021, as a Novice rower.
Adult Learn to Row (Adult LTR)
Ages 18 - 80+
Start with an Adult Learn to Row Class:
​Classes run May - August
3 week class: 3 practices/week​
Keep rowing beyond the summer! Join the Novice Masters (adult) Team and row year round. Most new rowers are ready to join the team after one Adult LTR class.
2022-2023 Junior Rowing Team
Accepting new athletes through February 2023
Novice Teams: new rowers & coxswains
Join the 2022-2023 RCRC Junior Team! Teens in grades 8-12 are invited to try out team practices for two weeks before registering for the season (8th graders accepted based on maturity and athleticism). New rowers are welcome through mid February 2022. No experience necessary.
Varsity Teams: returning rowers & coxswains
Registration for the new season will open in early August. Come be part of the 2022-2023 team!
Learn to Row Classes
Registration for Summer 2023 now open
Learn to Row classes for middle school, high school, and adult athletes teach the basics of rowing: technique, teamwork, and commitment. Three programs are offered.
Middle School Learn to Row (MS LTR)
Grades 5 - 7
Start with a Middle School Learn to Row Class:
Classes run May - August
3 week class: 3 practices/week
After one MS LTR class most new rowers are ready to move to Middle School Rowing Team Sessions
Keep rowing beyond the summer! MSR Team Sessions run March through November
​Grades 8 - 12
Junior* Learn to Row (Jr LTR)
*Junior: in rowing, 'Junior' means high school athletes, and sometimes those in 8th grade
Start with a Junior Learn to Row Class:
​Classes run June - August
1 week class: 5 practices
After one Jr LTR class, rowers are ready to sign up for Jr LTR Team Sessions. One session will be held in July and one in August
Keep rowing beyond the summer! Join the competitive Junior Team in early Sept 2021, as a Novice rower.
Ages 18 - 80+
Start with an Adult Learn to Row Class:
​Classes run May - August
3 week class: 3 practices/week​
Keep rowing beyond the summer! Join the Novice Masters (adult) Team and row year round. Most new rowers are ready to join the team after one Adult LTR class.